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Hampton Manor COVID-19 Vaccine Update

The Latest on COVID-19 Vaccinations

COVID-19 Update: February 1, 2021

Dear Hampton Manor Assisted Living Community,

Happy February- what a year 2021 has already been!

As all of you know, approximately 6 weeks ago Hampton Manor, in partnership with Walgreens, launched our vaccination program for all of our staff and residents. Thus far we have been extremely happy with the program, participation, and our communities dedication to protecting themselves!

Walgreens was a wonderful partner in the immunization program. The company has more than 75,000 COVID certified specialists on staff, several of which we worked directly with on day of vaccination. Both the Hampton Manor and Walgreens staff strictly adhered to the CDC guidelines for social distancing and personal protective equipment to ensure the safest environment for our residents. They assisted us in answering questions and educating our residents every step of the way. And of course, they administered the vaccines without any complications. We cannot thank Walgreens enough for making this process seamless for our community!

While the first round of vaccinations have already gone out, it is not too late for your loved one to receive the vaccination. We understand that many have been weary of the vaccine and felt they needed some time to make this decision or see how it was going for their peers. However, we are still encouraging all of our staff and residents who have not been vaccinated to receive the vaccine. This is for their safety and the safety of our community.

If you have any questions or concerns about receiving the vaccine, we encourage you to contact us at info@hamptonmanor.net. Hampton Manor has a multitude of resources at our disposal to help you make the decision that is best for you or your loved one.

For those of you that are apart of the Hampton Manor community, but not a resident or employee, we are also encouraging you get the vaccine upon its availability. Currently the state of Florida is prioritizing persons 65 years of age and older, health care personnel with direct patient contact, and residents and staff of long-term care facilities. However, as the vaccine is becoming more readily available, we hope that you will get it as soon as you can!

The sooner that a majority of the population is vaccinated the sooner we can get back to a semblance of normal life, and we know you are missing that as much as our residents are! Not having visitors, outings, or get togethers this past year has been so disappointing. We miss you terribly, but there is light at the end of this tunnel.

In addition to the vaccination program, Hampton Manor had a busy month of socially distant activities. If you are not following our social media, check us out on Facebook for photos and more regular updates!

Thanks you, stay safe and healthy!

Hampton Manor Assisted Living

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